8 Things That Are Not Allowed in Volleyball To Avoid!

Things that are not allowed in volleyball

Although volleyball is a fun sport that offers you a lot of freedom, it stills comes with a set of rules and instruction that you need to respect to be compliant …

However, since I believe that most beginners already know about the basic volleyball rules. Most of them are usually not aware of things that are not allowed in the sport.

That’s why I’ve decided to put together this short article to breakdown what is considered illegal in volleyball so you will manage to avoid these pretty easily!

1. Reaching Beyond the Net

Players cannot reach beyond the net to interfere with an opponent’s move before or during an opponent’s attack hit.

Players cannot hit the attack over the net while the ball is on the side of the opposing team. Blockers can touch the ball across the net as long as it does not interfere with the opponent’s zone.

An attacker can touch the ball in the team’s playing area and then cross the net to touch the ball.

Important Side Note: Most beginners and amateurs out there are a little struggling to choose proper volleyball shoes. I’ve addressed that question in some articles in this website that you can check. However, keep in mind that the most important factor you should consider is the grip. This is what will promote your ability to execute most volleyball moves out there. For example, these quality volleyball shoes are made of gum rubber which gives a great grip that you can rely on.

It is worth mentioning that you are not allowed to Block a serve in volleyball! Click and check the article … It is simple and useful.

2. Double Contact

The player cannot hit the ball twice in a row. For example, if a player makes a groove after the ball has crossed the net, the ball can no longer be placed.

Players are also not allowed to touch the ball continuously on different parts of the body. However, after performing the block, the player can hit the ball again.

Blocks do not count towards the team’s three goals, according to FIVB and USAV rules. After the block, the team can take three more shots and both players can touch the ball first.

3. Catching the ball

Players are not allowed at any time and under any circumstance to catch the ball. If he/she does, the ref will stop the sequence and give the other team a point.

4. Assisted Hit

USAV and FIVB rules prohibit assist hits. On assist shots, the player is assisted by a teammate or other structure in the stadium while attempting to hit the ball.

If the player commits an assist scoring error, the team loses points. However, players can ask their teammates to help them avoid crossing the center line or touching the net.

5. Three touches max

The sex players of the team are not allowed more than 3 ball touches considering that the 3rd and last touch should send the ball to the opposite team side. Otherwise a point will be scored against them!

6. Libero Setting

Since late 90s, libero was always considered as a defensive position. He should stay away from any contact with the ball above the net. In addition he is not allowed to initiate serves.

Libero is also a little restricted when it comes to setting. Indeed, he cannot set the ball to a hitter if the libero is positioned in the front attack. The only situation where he can provide a set is from the back.

There is one exception to this, is that libero can set in the front as far as the hitter does not send the ball to the other side.

7. Setting to a Blocker

You can also force a blocker on the other team to violate. If the ball stays clearly on your side of the net, you can hold your hand over the net and place your hand on the blocker to force an illegal block.

If the blocker touches the set of balls from the side of the setter, he commits a breach and the team loses a point to the opposite team.

8. Going under the Net

This one represents a big misunderstanding and often a subject of debates between new players. Indeed, you are allowed to go under the net as far as you don’t impact the other team sequence of playing and that you are not intentionally doing it to disturb them.

However, if the referee notices or judges as this action is impacting the other team. Then your team will lose a point to your competitor.

One important thing, you can only reach under the net with your beloved hands and feet. If half of your body reaches under the net, then you are getting into some trouble with the ref …

Indeed, in addition to the point that your team will lose, you’ll also instantly lose the serve.

Final Thoughts …

There are so many other things that you should avoid during a volleyball game to stay compliant. I might address that in future articles …

I’ve preferred to only address the most important, common and basic ones so you won’t be too much overwhelmed!

For more, I highly invite you to check those 2 articles:

Carissa Harmer

Carissa Harmer has over 6 years of volleyball experience between playing the sport at a semi-professional level, following the biggest volleyball teams & leagues out there as well as helping beginners to get started on the right path.

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