Can You Play Volleyball With Glasses? (Explained & Solved)

can you play volleyball with glasses

Wearing glasses during a volleyball game is perceived by some people as a necessity and by others as something to avoid. However, is this something you can do? Indeed …

There is nothing in the volleyball rules that prevents players from wearing glasses. As far as those glasses are for the unique purpose of providing better vision or for protecting your eyes from the sun lights.

In this article I help you understand how you should approaching using glasses for volleyball as well as being aware of some precautions to not cause any sort of damage while playing.

Let’s dive in.

Should you consider wearing glasses while playing volleyball?

sport glasses

No, as far as you understand that there are risks involved, principally the constant danger of being hit in the face by a ball, either a spike from your own side or a smash from the other team.

This means that the glasses could soon get broken and smashed, and, in extreme circumstances, shattered glass could get in the eye. Although modern manufacturing techniques mean that most glasses now are made of tougher composite materials that do not break easily.

Important Tip: I highly recommend using these Unbreakable Sport Glasses! These are really high quality and won’t represent any risk. You can use them during actual volleyball games and for practice.

It is important to consider the frame as well. Normal prescription glasses are intended for everyday use such as the office or school, and are best suited to low activity levels so that they sit properly.

That means they are probably not suitable for an intense sport like volleyball, where the frames should be as durable as the lens.

If your eyesight is good enough, then you may consider playing volleyball without glasses! Otherwise, consider wearing protective eyewear on top of them, although there can sometimes be a slight blurriness associated with their use.

How the glasses should be for volleyball?

Everyday glasses which are used for activities like reading, writing, watching television, or driving, may not be suitable. They are designed for normal wear and tear, not something that is going to test their strength and resilience like volleyball.

Lens made of glass should not be worn! They are too liable to break or shatter if struck by a ball or if contact is made with the floor, and, although the likelihood of fragments of glass ending up in the eye is a distant one, it cannot be entirely discounted.

Instead, glasses are available in tougher composite materials that are shatterproof and able to withstand much harder knocks.

The frames should equally be made of tougher plastic materials which are designed not to snap.  And they should have ear-pieces which lop round sufficiently so that they are not easily dislodged whilst in the middle of a point, or running across the court.

If you are unsure on what type of glasses to choose for volleyball or other sports of that nature, then it would be better to discuss such a matter with your optician first.

Benefits and drawbacks of glasses for volleyball …

The obvious benefit is that glasses will help you see better and will correct your vision disabilities most of the time!

Indeed, one of the major drawbacks of playing any sport for those with sight problems is that it can find it difficult to see without glasses.

Especially, a sport like volleyball, which is all about reactions and anticipating where the ball is going to landThe ability to see clearly is an important element!

At the same time, there are basic inconveniences that come with glasses. While volleyball is not a contact sport in the traditional sense of the word, it is still an intensely physical sport which involves people throwing themselves around the court and they often come into contact with the ball and other objects.

That means there is a danger that glasses can get knocked off or broken, and also, in extreme cases, shatter and shards get dislodged and end-up in the eye.

More likely, glasses can end up on the floor, where there is a chance that they can get trodden on and broken.

This means wearing everyday glasses is not a viable option!

What precautions should you take with glasses?

Make sure that the glasses which are worn are suitable for sports!

Although not as heavy as the balls in some sports the impact of a firmly struck volleyball can certainly sting for minutes afterwards.

That means that spectacles made out of glass lenses should be avoided. There is a higher chance that they may break if they come into contact with the ball or another person, and there is the possibility, albeit a remote one, that they could shatter, and the glass get into the eye itself.

If this happens, immediately seek medical attention!!!

Wearing normal glasses also may not be sensitive, because they could get broken and need to be replaced, which can be expensive.

Instead, choose a pair of glasses which are made for sport, with tougher protective lenses and also with frames that are equally durable, and will not snap in the heat of a match.

Are contact lenses a good alternative?

Contact lenses are a good alternative for some people, not just for playing sport, but also to correct defective sight! They are more aesthetically pleasing because they create the impression of normal sight, and do not cover the face. And, for some people, they give more self-confidence, especially those forced to wear glasses from a young age.

In terms of sports like volleyball, whether somebody wears glasses or lenses makes no difference in terms of the risks of being struck in the face!

It is an occupational hazard of the sport. However, whereas a ball may break or shatter a pair of glasses, the most that is likely to happen with lenses is that one gets dislodged.

And there is no risk of contact lenses falling out or becoming dislodged when somebody makes contact with another player or object on or around the court.

Again they, they can be protected by wearing goggles on top of them.

That is why it is always advised to carry a couple of spares in their kitbag when they go to games or practice sessions.

Not everybody can wear contact lenses – the sensation of covering eyeballs with bits of glass is an alien one, and can take some getting used to, although most are now made of more forgiving plastic materials.

In addition, contact lenses take more maintenance and upkeep than glasses, especially those intended for long-term use.

Many people now wear daily disposables that are more convenient, but, over the long-term, can work out more expensive than the cost of glasses.

The best advice for somebody considering contact lenses for sports is to try them for a while and persist as long as the effort feels worth it.

Final Thoughts …

I highly recommend you read this article twice to make sure you understand all the aspects related to wearing glasses during volleyball games or practices. Indeed, I don’t want you to take any unnecessary risks …

… Use the highest quality glasses you can possibly afford as these will represent little to no risk. The most important thing is that you can practice safely.

Finally, if you are interested in other accessories that you can use in volleyball, then you may want to use an Apple watch. In this article, I explain how you can use an Apple watch in volleyball … I think you will find it interesting!

Carissa Harmer

Carissa Harmer has over 6 years of volleyball experience between playing the sport at a semi-professional level, following the biggest volleyball teams & leagues out there as well as helping beginners to get started on the right path.

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